A(86) tunnel —

Type : Architecture research
Year : 2018
Teacher : Marc Armengaud, François Gruzon
Partner : Hugo Suchet, Pierre Bertin
Location : Nogent-sur-Marne, France

In the contemporary context, rethink and rehabilitate the existing infrastructures affirms itself as a sustainable development method.
Yet mobility evolves, uberization and optimization of transports invite us to think about
the future of the mobility infrastructures.
The path of the Grand Paris Express often follows the A86 highway - the Ile-de-France ring-road - hence reduce the number of users. So what becomes for this mythic road?

We propose here a reflection on these issues which stand as metropolitan scale. This project is a narration articulated in five chapters. Each one relates a possible evolution phase of the A86 tunnel of Nogent-sur- Marne.
From an architectural curiosity, we projected realities that understand the various components that lead to the creation of public spaces. Policies, social issues, sustainability, benefits...

This project started with a discovery.


researches :